Friday, May 13, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm up digging in everything.Clucking at the mean cat Machi.Mommy said later we'll go outside to is good for Sookie.I'm one happy ferret.I love you Mom:)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

WASHINGTON FERRET RESCUE & SHELTER NEEDS OUR HELP NOW!!! The Washington Ferret Rescue and Shelter has been in the process of building a new building. They have now been struck with distemper. It got into the shelter by them taking in a ferret from the Humane Society that they were not told had distemper. They have already lost 26 ferrets. There are likely to be more. They need your help financially. Please donate by clicking the PayPal button on their site, located here: Please help if you can. They do so much good, and are now in trouble. Kevin Farlee Washington Ferret Rescue & Shelter This will be really brief, as I'm already late for work. I'll write more when I'm able. I'm the president of Washington Ferret Rescue & Shelter, near Seattle. We were in the middle of having to move because our landlord sold the building out from under us. Between deposit on the new space, replacing carpeting with vinyl, plumbing for washer, etc. we were hit with over $5000 in unexpected expenses. We've gotten donations to cover most of that, from inside the shelter, and outside. Then a week before our move (last Saturday), some ferrets got sick. A few days later, we were confirmed that it was distemper, from two separate labs. We've lost over 25 ferrets so far, and more will go, I'm sure. Even though most of these were vaccinated, our vet has recommended that we give every ferret a 2 dose course of vaccines, in case some hadn't had the series. We've given all of the ferrets their firs dose, and will be starting on the second dose soon. That's a lot of exxpensive vaccine, even getting it at cost, we're looking at over $1000 per round. We're going through lots of other medication caring for the sick ones that still have a chance of recovery, as well. We're in complete quarrantine lockdown, obviously, so no adoptions, no surrenders. We could use donations, and most of all prayers for the ferrets, and for the volunteers that are way past their last reserves, both physically and emotionally. It is more devestating than I can express to lose so many, so fast. If you would like to donate, there's a paypal button on our website: Sorry, wish I had a happier intro to post

The Washington Ferret Rescue and Shelter has been in the process of building a new building. They have now been struck with distemper.  It got into the shelter by them taking in a ferret from the Humane Society that they were not told had distemper. They have already lost 26 ferrets. There are likely to be more. They need your help financially. Please donate by clicking the PayPal button on their site, located here:     Please help if you can.  They do so much good, and are now in trouble.   Kevin Farlee   Washington Ferret Rescue & Shelter This will be really brief, as I'm already late for work. I'll write more when I'm able. I'm the president of Washington Ferret Rescue & Shelter, near Seattle. We were in the middle of having to move because our landlord sold the building out from under us. Between deposit on the new space, replacing carpeting with vinyl, plumbing for washer, etc. we were hit with over $5000 in unexpected expenses. We've gotten donations to cover most of that, from inside the shelter, and outside. Then a week before our move (last Saturday), some ferrets got sick. A few days later, we were confirmed that it was distemper, from two separate labs. We've lost over 25 ferrets so far, and more will go, I'm sure. Even though most of these were vaccinated, our vet has recommended that we give every ferret a 2 dose course of vaccines, in case some hadn't had the series. We've given all of the ferrets their firs dose, and will be starting on the second dose soon. That's a lot of exxpensive vaccine, even getting it at cost, we're looking at over $1000 per round. We're going through lots of other medication caring for the sick ones that still have a chance of recovery, as well. We're in complete quarrantine lockdown, obviously, so no adoptions, no surrenders. We could use donations, and most of all prayers for the ferrets, and for the volunteers that are way past their last reserves, both physically and emotionally. It is more devestating than I can express to lose so many, so fast. If you would like to donate, there's a paypal button on our website:   Sorry, wish I had a happier intro to post

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Start of a new day.It's a little chilly outside.Mom said if it warms up Sookie can go out to play.Sookie loves to go outside.Come on Mr.Sunshine I wanna play outside.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My day has just begun and already the cat Iggy pawed me.All I want was to take a quick sniff of his butt.But on a more serious note.Let's pray for the humans and pets effected by the bad outbreak of weather.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Snuggling in my hammy.Nite Nite
I scared Toya,the girl who lives with us.I was snoozin in her top drawer today and she reached in to get some clothes and I poke my head out.Mommy came running when she heard her scream.Sookie was sleepin so good.Dang Toya wakin me up:(