Sandy's Story

This is the story of Sandy The Lion-Heart Baker.The little ferret who touched thousands of lives on Facebook.We don't know much about Sandy's early days or how old he was.What we do know is Sandy was abandon for whatever reason is unknown.Sandy was found in a cage with his dead cage-mate laying on top of him.It was very cold outside.Sandy had no food or water.He was freezing and staving to death.Sandy was left alone to die an agonizing death.On January 15,2011 he was rescued by Mia Baker.Sandy became Facebook's ferret.Mia posted daily Sandy's fight to live.The ferret community on Facebook awaited eagerly each day for Sandy updates.Amazingly his story went world wide.As Sandy's condition improved he gained weight and started his long hard journey back from the brink of death.With Mia's unconditional love and unwavering compassion Sandy's life began to improve.He became the brother of Mia's two sweet and loving ferrets.Ted and DJ.Mia would post pictures of his life with the family.Sandy loved Mia's garden.Ted and DJ were always gentle with him.They knew his life had been rough.Everyone cheered for this little soldier who fought so hard to live.Sadly because of his horrorable neglect.Sandy lost his battle on March 4,2011.Sandy in his short life touched the hearts of many.People's lives were forever changed by this one tiny angel.Animal abuse is inexcusable.They are God's loving creation and who are we to treat them otherwise.Sandy you will never be forgotten.I am Blessed for calling you my friend.


  1. The angels came for SandyMan,
    They knew he had to leave,
    We all did pray for SandyMan,
    And then, we all did grieve ....

    But he's in 'Ferret Heaven' now,
    So please, don't shed that tear,
    He's happy and he's playing,
    And he's watching over Mia

    Sue xx

  2. We were also blessed by his friendship and kept up with his daily posts. Heartbroken when he passed does not even come close :0(
